
Buhemba Parish Welcomes Fr. Evandro – Part 3
After the festivities of the morning, Fr. Evandro and Francesco were given a tour of the facilities and various classrooms.

Via Lucis – Way of Light
The Eighth Step on the Way of Light
The Risen Lord Calls for Witnesses to the Resurrection

3rd Sunday of Easter – April 14, 2024
Things are not always as they appear. In the gospel, the Risen Jesus asks His disciples for some food. In the Greek it is phrased: “You give me something to eat.”

Are You a Credible Witness?
We are all called to proclaim the good news of the forgiveness of sins. But are we in touch with God’s forgiveness? Are we credible witnesses of these things?

Easter Celebration at Resurrection Manor
On April 8th, in the Octave of Easter, members of the Congregation of the Resurrection in Ontario gathered as a community to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.

Buhemba Parish Welcomes Fr. Evandro Part 2
In the midst of the work, Fr. Evandro and Francesco were able to experience one of the great wonders of Tanzania: the Serengeti!