
Solemnity of Mary – January 1, 2023
Today, on this Feast of Mary, the Mother of God, we recognize the Blessed Mother as one who “ponders”, as she begins to reflect

Feast of the Holy Family
Today is the feast of the Holy Family. What does this feast say to us in a world where family is difficult?

Christmas in Buhemba: Preparations Part 1
One of the most important preparations for Christmas in the Buhemba parish is to visit the sick and elderly who will not be able to come to church on Christmas Day.

Scripture and Carols
This Christmas week we invite you to enjoy a Scripture and Carols video created in 2020 by the Music Ministry at St. Teresa of Avila Parish in Elmira, ON.

Witnessing Faith
Today’s Gospel reading is all about witnesses. The shepherds – who we heard at Christmas had decided they would go and “see this thing that has taken place”…

Christmas with the CRs!
Over Christmas the Resurrectionists gathered for a Community Feast. Community is essential to Resurrectionists, it is even the 6th Principle of Resurrectionist Spirituality.