Vitalis’ Vocation Story & a Bonus!
While Fr. Toby Collins, CR was visiting Morogoro, Tanzania, he spent time learning about the many vocation stories of the Resurrectionist seminarians. Today we hear from Vitalis.
Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
Today we celebrate the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. In this month of May we also turn to Mary with renewed vigor, and ask her to intercede for us with her Son.
Pentecost Sunday – May 19, 2024
On this Pentecost Sunday, let us open ourselves to the power of the Spirit, just as it descended upon the apostles, so that we too might go forth and proclaim the Good News,
He Will Guide You Into all the Truth
Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, guide my heart as I seek my vocation.
Fr. Toby Collins, CR visits Morogoro – Part 2
Among many, one great contribution that Fr. Toby made was that he gave the input for the seminarians’ day of recollection which began Friday evening and concluded on Saturday afternoon.
What does Religious Life look like? Come & See!
Please join us for a “Come and See” day on Saturday May 25th from 9am – 6pm at St. Mary’s Church in downtown Kitchener.