Share Lent – Solidarity Sunday
This coming Sunday, March 17, is Solidarity Sunday. Development and Peace’ Reaping our Rights campaign invites you to give generously and thanks you warmly for your generosity.
Journey Through Lent – 4th Sunday
On this Fourth Sunday of Lent, Bishop Hagemoen provides a reflection on rejoicing on our journey to Christ.
4th Sunday of Lent – March 10, 2024
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son.” Some say that this single sentence sums up the entire gospel.
Do you let Jesus illuminate your path?
Today’s Gospel captures the essence of the Good News. It highlights God’s unconditional love for humanity, for you, and the promise of eternal life for all who believe in the life brought by Jesus.
Fr. Evandro Visits Morogoro: Part 1
Early in the new year, Fr. Evandro Miranda Rosa, C.R., our Superior General in Rome, contacted me about the possibility of coming to Tanzania for a short visit with our new Econ General, Mr. Francesco Ruspoli.
Share Lent: With Your Children
Did you know there are many ways to join the Share Lent campaign with your children?