11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 18, 2023
Jesus, in His wisdom, chose twelve disciples to become his apostles. He would share with them His life, and eventually His ministry.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is also the Feast Day for Sacred Heart Parish in Kitchener.
Have you tried asking?
Even Jesus thought during his public ministry that there were not enough labourers for the harvest! This is not a problem unique to our time.
40th Anniversary Celebration in Buhemba: Part 1
40th Anniversary Celebration in Buhemba: Part 1 We usually have Mass in seven different places on Sunday in the Buhemba Parish. But, once a month, the whole parish gathers in
Fr. Norm Choate, CR Lifetime Achievement Award
At Convocation on June 11, St. Jerome’s University announced this year’s Norm Choate Award winner is our own Fr. Jim Donohue, CR!
Indigenous History Month for Children & Youth
This week of National Indigenous History Month focuses on Children and Youth. We invite you to check out these resources with your children.