31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 30, 2022
We can learn from Zacchaeus to be open in seemingly small ways to God’s grace. These small gestures on our part can open us into the hospitality of God’s…
General Visitation Begins
As our General Visitation begins Fr. Evandro shared with us some of the joys of the [Resurrectionist] community on an international level, including the growth of our presence…
How Much Are You Willing to Give Up?
How much are you willing to give up? At the beginning of today’s Gospel we meet Zacchaeus…
Michaels – Mission Life in Tanzania
On the feast of the Archangels the priests in the Diocese of Musoma gather at the cathedral for Mass with the Bishop, Bishop Michael Msonganzila, who celebrated his Name’s Day (St. Michael).
The Church Needs Youth
The Church needs your originality, impact, enthusiasm, creativity, witness & youthfulness!
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 23, 2022
Overall, forget and forgo self-aggrandizement and humbly faithfully expectantly confidently wait upon God…