28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 15, 2023
In the Gospel, Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus uses a parable, a story about a King’s invitation to his son’s wedding feast, to teach us about God’s invitation to us and His heavenly feast.
What if you opened the invitation?
Imagine if you opened that invitation to the royal wedding. What do you think you might find?
Synod on Synodality
On October 4, 2023 the Synod on Synodality began in Rome. Those participating had already been in Rome for a week, attending a retreat in preparation for the Synod.
The Wounds of the Past
On September 28, 2023, Archbishop Donald Bolen of Regina, Saskatchewan was the guest speaker for St. Jerome’s University’s first Lecture in Catholic Experience for the 2023-2024 school year.
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 8, 2023
The parable of the vineyard is a significant one. Once again Jesus is challenging the scribes and Pharisees for their poor stewardship,
What’s your place in the vineyard?
If you’ve been paying attention to the past two Sundays, this Sunday is the third time Jesus gives a parable having to do with a vineyard.